Lung Function Testing

Numberous studies have shown a link between overweight / obesity and lung function. One such study in France, of 120,000 patients showed a strong link between large was it circumference leading to reduced lung function. The study was independent of smoking and a persons BMI.

There is a strong case to be made for losing body fat for better lung health even if just a small amount.

Discussing the results of the above study, Dr. Noemi Eiser, honorary medical director at the British Lung Foundation, said “This study reinforces that need to lend a healthy lifestyle and how aa relatively small accumulation of fat can have a very significant effect on your lung health”.

At HealthReach we provide a peak expiratory flow test that we can compare against accepted normal values. When you are on one of our programme you can avail of this test and we can monitor your progress over the course of the programme. For more information contact us today.

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