Collagen – Not Just In The Skin!

April 12, 2019 1 min read

Collagen – Not Just In The Skin!

When someone says Collagen, what’s the first thing you think of? At a recent in-store pharmacy promotion we were surprised how many customers thought Collagen was just a part of our skin. Collagen is found in many more parts of the body other than the skin.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, making up about 30% of the entire protein content of the body and about 70% of the protein content of skin. Collagen plays a vital role in giving the skin its strength, firmness, fullness, smoothness and elasticity. Collagen is produced within the body and after about the age of 30, the body starts to deplete collagen at a rate of approximately 1.5% every year. Also, exposure to sunlight causes both damage and loss of skin collagen.

Apart from its role in the structure of our skin, Collagen is also one of the major building blocks of bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. For example, collagen forms about 90% of the organic part of the bone.

Collagen is fast becoming a popular supplement since the introduction of hydrolysed collagen, a form of collagen that has been broken down into collagen peptides allowing easy absorption within the body.

HealthReach Collagen Pure contains Vitamin C which contributes to collagen formation for the normal function of skin, and bones. To find out more about Collagen, why not drop into your local pharmacy or contact us.

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