Blood Sugar Testing
Blood sugar testing measures the amount of sugar, or glucose, in a sample of your blood. Glucose is the major source of energy for most cells of your body.
Carbohydrates (or carbs) are sugars found for example in fruit, cereal bread, pasta and rice. The different sugars found in these foods are quickly turned into glucose for use in your body. This naturally raises your blood glucose level.
Insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas, helps control your blood glucose levels. Insulin is used by your body to move the sugars, now glucose, acquired from your food from the bloodstream to various cells in the body. The glucose can then be used for energy by the body’s cells.
A poor diet can effect your sensitivity to insulin and result in diabetes. You become diabetic when you either no longer make enough insulin, or the insulin you do produce is used ineffectively. This is why a recorded increase in blood sugar levels is a strong indicator of diabetes and pre-diabetes.
- You’re at risk of an increased blood glucose reading when:
- There’s a family history of diabetes
- You have an excess of internal (visceral) body fat
- You consume, or have consumed, a diet high in scary or processed foods
Blood sugar testing can show if you are pre-diabetic (5.6mmol/L or in the diabetic range (>6.9mmol/L).
If you have any concerns after reading th above, contact HealthReach today to arrange a blood sugar test. Our qualified public health nutritionists can advise you on ways to improve your condition through proper nutrition.
Note: You will need to fast for 12 hours prior to this test to insure accurate results.